Articles from April 2022

UI professor to research collaborative regenerative medicine in Ireland
Friday, April 15, 2022
James Ankrum, a University of Iowa biomedical engineering professor, will bring his expertise in cell biology to a world-renowned research lab in Dublin.
ITI undergraduate research assistant earns certificate of distinction
Friday, April 15, 2022
Madison Kemerling, an undergraduate research assistant working with Prof. Ananya Sen Gupta, received a certificate of distinction during National Student Employee Week.

Keri Hornbuckle: The impact of coordinated sampling, analytical, and data management methods with identification and remediation of legacy and modern sources of airborne PCBs
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Prof. Keri Hornbuckle, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Iowa, spoke at the Climate / Atmospheric Science & Engineering (CASE) Colloquium series. The topic was “The impact of coordinated sampling, analytical, and data management methods with identification and remediation of legacy and modern sources of airborne PCBs.”

Kristan Worthington receives prestigious NSF CAREER grant to advance light-based 3D printing
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
New innovations in 3D printing have seen the use of light-based 3D printing for use in biology and medicine. Kristan Worthington, an assistant professor in the Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa, has recently been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER grant to continue her work in this emerging area.
Earth Month: University of Iowa researchers converting biomass into sustainable energy
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
At the Oakdale Powerplant in Coralville, Iowa, University of Iowa Technology Institute student research assistants are working on a project to convert woodchipped railroad ties, telephone poles, and other biomass into environmentally friendly sustainable energy.

VSR contributions noted as Army Combat Fitness Test gets updated again
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Changes to events and scoring were made to the Army’s official fitness test that started this month, according to Army news releases. Fitness experts at the Center of Initial Military Training Command partnered with academic experts, professional sports organizations and others to develop the new test.