Research Topics

  • Armor and soldier performance
  • Clothing modeling
  • Dynamic strength and failure
  • Gait
  • Human performance
  • Immersive virtual reality
  • Intuitive interfaces
  • Motion capture
  • Musculoskeletal modeling
  • Physiology
  • Posture and motion prediction
  • Predictive dynamics
  • Spine modeling
  • Standard ergonomic assessments
  • Whole-body vibration
  • Zone differentiation

The Virtual Soldier Research (VSR) program conducts basic and applied research and development in the field of human modeling and simulation. Our research is aimed at creating interactive, intelligent, and predictive human models that operate in virtual, physics-based environments, including Santos, a physics-based human simulator that is used by the US military and industry partners. 



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Karim Abdel-Malek, PhD

Interim Director, Iowa Technology Institute
Director, Virtual Soldier Research Program
Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Featured Projects

Army Combat Fitness Test


Santos: The Virtual Human