Mission Area


Research Topics

  • Manufacturing monitoring prognosis and diagnostics
  • Manufacturing processes

The Laser Materials Processing Lab pursues research on the advancement of material processing technology and sciences.

State-of-the-art laser processing systems, ultrasonic welders, and various manufacturing process monitoring and characterization tools enable innovative and highly functional surface textures that can repel water, ease disinfecting, or hold lubrication. Possible uses include sanitization of medical surfaces, anti-icing surfaces in airplanes, and strengthening lubrication of surfaces in automobile engines and gearing to reduce friction and improve efficiency.


Research Team

Hongtao Ding

Hongtao Ding, PhD

Director, Laser Materials Processing Lab
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Martell Bell

Martell Bell

Graduate Research Assistant
Wuji Huang

Wuji Huang

Graduate Research Assistant
Photo of Ryan Mullennex

Ryan Mullennex

Graduate Research Assistant
Photo of Benjamin Nelson

Benjamin Nelson

Graduate Research Assistant


Chemurgy 2.0 graphic

ITI faculty affiliates play critical role in multi-institutional biomanufacturing project

Monday, September 11, 2023
A multidisciplinary team of University of Iowa engineering faculty and faculty affiliates of the Iowa Technology Institute, will contribute to a $20 million, multi-institutional project to boost Iowa’s position as a leader in bioscience and advanced manufacturing.
Chemistry Communications Journal

ITI researchers' paper makes cover of prestigious journal

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
The research findings of several University of Iowa scientists was featured on the front cover of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemical Communications journal.