Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Bernice Kubicek, a second-year PhD student, is integral to the multidisciplinary team developing techniques to classify sonar targets and quantifying oil weathering via a peak-cognizant algorithm. 

The computer and electrical engineering student from Jefferson, Wis., works under the mentorship of Ananya Sen Gupta, an assistant professor in the College of Engineering and a University of Iowa Technology Institute faculty affiliate. 

"I like that these projects have important real-world applications," Kubicek says. "For example, the former project will further our understanding on how harmful toxins in spilled oil degrade and impact the environment and wildlife. I enjoy the ability to pursue individual ideas to further each research project."

Kubicek is among a handful of students featured in a new spotlight series called "Inside the Lab: Student Stories." The series highlights the student researchers who perform work in the many labs and centers at ITI. 

The students, in their own words, discuss how research impacts them and vice versa, why they chose the University of Iowa, future goals, and more.  

Dozens of graduate and undergraduate students conduct experiments, develop formulas, and are deeply involved in the scientific research that occurs at ITI. Testimonials from students and mentors highlight the value of getting into research labs as a student, and for many students it leads to pursuit of advanced degrees and in some cases a career in academia.

Additional students will be added to the feature over time.