Research Topics

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Command and control
  • Computational mechanics
  • Computer vision
  • Data analytics
  • Earth system modeling
  • Energy generation and storage
  • Mechanical design
  • Sensors
  • Signal processing
  • Wireless communication

Research Labs

Director: Jun Wang, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering, James E. Ashton Professor in Engineering
Phone:  (319) 353-4483
Website: Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab

Research topics:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Autonomous systems
  • Data analytics
  • Earth system modeling
  • Photonics/optical sensors
  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Sensors
  • UAV research
  • Wireless communication
Jun Wang adjusting an atmospheric sensor

Director: Matthew McGill, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering
Website: Iowa Atmospheric Sensor Development Laboratory

IASDL group photo

Director: Al Ratner, associate professor of mechanical engineering
Phone: (319) 384-0883
Website: Ratner Research Group
Research topic: Energy generation and storage

Sazzad Parveg at Ratner Lab

Director: Syed Mubeen, assistant professor of chemical and biomedical engineering
Phone: (319) 335-5813
Lab: Syed Mubeen Research Group

Research topics: 

  • Energy generation and storage
  • Sensors
Mubeen group photo

Director: Fatima Toor, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
Phone: (319) 335-6071
Website: Toor Lab

Research topics: 

  • Energy generation and storage
  • Sensors
Fatima Toor with student researchers

Director: Weimin Han, professor of mathematics
Phone: (319) 335-0784
Website: Weimin Han Research Group

Research topics:

  • Numerical analysis
  • Computational mechanics
  • Numerical solution of variational inequality
  • Numerical solution of hemivariational inequalities

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