
Scientific Committee

Karim Abdel-Malek, Chair – University of Iowa Technology Institute, USA

Gunther Paul, Co-Chair  James Cook UniversityAustralia 

Alexander Siefert  Simuserv, Germany 

Andre Rueckert ESI Software Germany GmbHGermany 

Andrew Merryweather – University of Utah, USA 

Bruce Bradtmiller AnthrotechUSA 

Dan Högberg  University of Skövde, Sweden 

Dan Lämkull Volvo CarsSweden 

Dominik Bonin – BAUA Dortmund, Germany 

Erik Billing University of SkövdeSweden 

Gregor Harih University of MariborSlovenia 

Giuseppe Andreoni  POLIMI, Italy  

Isabel Sacco – Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil 

James YangTexas Tech UniversityUSA 

Josip Stjepandic PROSTEP AGGermany 

Julie Charland 3DS - Dassault SystemesCanada 

Lars Hanson – University of Skövde, Sweden 

Mac Reynolds – ERL Haslett, USA 

Maurice Lamb University of SkövdeSweden 

Michael Spitzhirn  imk automotive, Germany 

Mitsunori Tada AIST - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyJapan 

Neil Mansfield  Nottingham Trent UniversityUK 

Onan Demirel Oregon State University, USA

Pauline Maurice – Université de Lorraine, France 

Pierre-Olivier Lemieux 3DS - Dassault SystemesCanada 

Rajan Bhatt – University of Iowa, USA 

Ravindra Goonetilleke – HKUST, Hong Kong 

Riender Happee TU DelftNetherlands 

Rush GreenBoeingUSA 

Russel Marshall Loughborough UniversityUK 

Sandra Alemany – IBV Valencia, Spain 

Sofia Scataglini University of AntwerpBelgium 

Steve Summerskill Loughborough UniversityUK 

Xuguang Wang IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des RéseauxFrance 

Yan Luximon – Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 

Organizing Committee

Karim Malek, ChairUniversity of Iowa Technology Institute, USA

Gunther Paul, Co-Chair  James Cook University, Australia

Lars Hanson University of Skövde, Sweden

Gregor HarihUniversity of Maribor, Slovenia

Travis KlopfensteinUniversity of Iowa Technology Institute, USA

Melanie LavermanUniversity of Iowa Technology Institute, USA

Brian MorelliUniversity of Iowa Technology Institute, USA

Sofia Scataglini  University of Antwerp, Belgium

Xuguang Wang – Université Gustave Eiffel, France

James Yang  Texas Tech University, USA

Digital Human Modelling by Women

Digital Human Modelling By Women (DHMW) is an international group dedicated to promoting women scientists and inspiring girls around the world. DHMW wants to empower women to exchange ideas, results, and visions in STEAM.

DHMW in HF provides an international forum for women who are passionate about gender equity in the field of human factors to explore barriers and issues of underrepresentation, and models for increasing the pipeline. Our major goal is to build a community of Women in Digital Human Modelling that will enable the participants to be aware of and to be engaged in improving the environment for women in human factors careers.

Link to Digital Human Modelling By Women (DHMW) LinkedIn group

Contact person: Sofia Scataglini - University of Antwerp