University of Iowa Prof. Yong Chen has co-authored a book examining data analytics methodologies for the diagnosis and prognosis of industrial systems under a unified random effects model.
The book titled, “Industrial Data Analytics for Diagnosis and Prognosis - A Random Effects Modelling Approach,” is co-authored by Shiyu Zhou, a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Chen is a professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at UI and a faculty affiliate with the Iowa Technology Institute, a research arm of the College of Engineering. His research focus includes industrial data analytics, process monitoring and diagnosis, and quality and reliability engineering.
“Shiyu Zho and Yong Chen deliver a rigorous and practical introduction to the random effects modeling approach for industrial system diagnosis and prognosis,” according to Wiley, the publisher.
The book includes two parts: “Statistical Methods and Foundation for Industrial Data Analytics” and “Random Effects Approaches for Diagnosis and Prognosis.”
More information about the book is available from the publisher, here.