A University of Iowa Technology Institute (ITI) faculty affiliate is among 21 faculty and staff members being honored with the University of Iowa’s 2020 Faculty and Staff Awards.

Suresh M.L. Raghavan was the lone recipient from the College of Engineering. He is a professor of biomedical engineering and directs the Biomechanics of Soft Tissues Lab, or BioMOST, which is among ITI's more than 25 labs and centers.
From the award announcement:
He teaches courses to all levels of engineering students. Student feedback speaks to his highly effective teaching style and his emphasis on deeper understanding of concepts. He provides research opportunities and mentoring to students and medical fellows in his research lab, including many undergraduate students who have continued their education in graduate schools and pursue research careers. Deeply committed to students’ career success, he works diligently to establish and maintain industry relationships that continue to provide students with development opportunities. As an active leader in the American Society of Mechanical Engineering Bioengineering Division, Raghavan has promoted student success at the national level through his efforts to introduce innovative programs that provide undergraduate and graduate engineering students across the country with valuable career-exploration activities and connect employers with students. He is actively engaged with the Fulbright community in the state of Iowa.
A virtual celebration is being planned for spring to honor all the awardees.
Also honored will be recipients of the 2019 Regents Award for Faculty and Staff Excellence, for whom an event planned in spring 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19. The 2020 Regents Awards will be celebrated at the meeting of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, in June.
Read about the other recipients here: UI honors recipients of 2020 faculty, staff awards